Canaries: Early warning of democratic backsliding in media and the academic sector

The Science Festival is Sweden's largest popular science event with around 40,000 - 50,000 visitors annually, and with target groups all over Sweden. The aim is to create positive attitudes to research and science, for a vibrant and strong knowledge society for everyone, now and in the future.
For almost 30 years, the Science Festival has brought research to the people, matching the very best in the knowledge industry - universities and colleges, royal academies, government agencies and industry - with the public and schools.
World-leading name and Guinness World Record
Many fun and innovative concepts have been organized during the Science Festival over the years - such as the Science Roulette in the Liseberg Wheel where researchers in all kinds of subjects were placed in the 42 gondolas and you did not know in advance who you ended up with when you entered the gondola, or when 1200 middle school students built a pyramid of recycled material equivalent to a 6-storey house which led to a record in the Guinness Book of Records. Many big and important names have also shared their knowledge over the years, from Nobel laureates such as Jennifer Doudna, Chemistry 2020 and Anne L'Huillier, Physics 2023 to iconic primatologist Jane Goodall and evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, who drew full houses both in Gothenburg and all over the world digitally.
April, April, can I lure you wherever I want? Mass activity with digital LiveLab
Ever since the pandemic, the Science Festival has been testing different ways to experiment and test digital meeting places with high interactivity and where we unite young people across the country in exciting challenges. On April 1, in connection with the start of the 2025 implementation, the Science Festival, with the support of The Hamrin Foundation, will arrange a mass digital activity for secondary school students across Sweden on source criticism. LiveLabbet is both a show and an online workshop, where students all over the country investigate and lab around different topics. This year we are investigating fake news, source criticism and AI and during LiveLab the students will get to vote, discuss and learn more about these topics and reflect on what is okay or not to joke about. We create the content in collaboration with Källkritikbyrån, Internetstiftelsen and UR Skola among others.
The principals of the Science Festival are: The Swedish Research Council, University of Gothenburg, Chalmers, Region Västra Götaland, City of Gothenburg Primary School Administration and Gothenburg & Co Business Group.