The family's story
The Hamrin Foundation aims to create interdisciplinary projects that contribute to change in society, academia and business.

The Hamrin Foundation aims to create interdisciplinary projects that contribute to change in society, academia and business.
"In a lot of ways this year has been like a startup for us" , says Hanna Ståhl.
Are you curious about who is on the board of The Hamrin Foundation and what their backgrounds are? Here, you can learn more about them and our CEO.
"My father always used to say: acquire knowledge, because it gives you strength." Meet CEO Hanna Ståhl and Chair Lovisa Hamrin.
"When you pick raspberries, you don't pick the ones that grow on the surface. Picking raspberries is about going into the dark. In the dark, where it's warm, the berries are bigger, juicier and sweeter. And it's good!" Read the full conversation between Christina Hamrin and Lars Alkner.
Our assets have grown in recent years, thanks to active management and co-investments with Herenco. We are actively involved in our wholly and partly owned companies.
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